I recently read about the idea of taking five minutes—only five minutes—to create blog posts. And even though I often feel so strapped for time, I know I can always spare five minutes. So I thought that it would be a good practice to take five minutes each week to come up with one off-the-cuff, spur-of-the-moment post to keep this place fresh.
But rather than come up with topics on my own, I wanted to open the floor up to you guys, to see if there were any things you’d be interested in reading about on here? Anything about Claire, the move, settling in, etc.? Remember, I want to keep it to about five minutes, so try to keep questions simple or specific enough to be answered quickly.
I’m hoping this will also help kick-start my creativity and institute better blogging habits that have tended to fall by the wayside since adding a little one to my daily routines! Thanks for your ideas and input!
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